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But, while you are here please take a look at our resource guide below
The College Savings Resource Guide
How many times in life have you stated, “If only I knew then, what I know now?” Our book, “The College Savings Resource Guide,” is written from such a perspective. This book is the culmination of five years of research, including thousands of surveys and hundreds of interviews of counselors, academic advisors, parents, and students alike, so that the reader can learn from these experts’ mistakes.
"The College Savings Resource Guide" is now available.
Just click on one of the distributors buttons below to be taken
directly to our book:

Addressing Financial Challenges in Education
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the average student loan balance of a four-year graduate exceeds $30,000.00. Our book is written with one goal, to save you, the reader, thousands of dollars of needless college expense. We address such subjects as:
A Comprehensive Guide
If you have an education problem, need, or interest, we have tried to address it in this solution-oriented book. Information contained in our guide is often the same as what is offered by “Coaching Services” that charge thousands of dollars for their assistance.